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Young adults facial

Regain confidence lost by unsightly acne or blemishes with our healing

30 min
199 Australian dollars


The Treatment Acne occurs when blocked pores become infected resulting in blackheads, whiteheads (millia) and pimples. Duo to inappropriate skincare & beauty routines skin muscle tissue contracts, and experiences tension, unhappiness and gives the skin a problematic look. and can prevent permanent skin scarring. The intense ”treatment” will remove and eliminate impurities purifying and disinfecting the skin areas at their source. We then apply the herb vital chamomile to calm soothe and further relaxed your skin. Benefits • Reduces the appearance of acne • Prevents long term scarring • Promotes skin clarity and a healthy glow • Natural anti-Inflammatory and antibacterial properties soothe and heal inflamed skin • Leaves a smoother skin surface • Saves money on expensive creams Look and feel beautiful – with Miracles Scientific Skin Care

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